Star Trek: 10 Species Who Need To Get With The Times

5. The Ocampa

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The Ocampa are in the interesting position of having incredible potential, while being held back by complacency.

Ocampa have highly powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities, but ever since the Nacene destroyed their planet and forced their society underground, the Ocampa grew dependent on the Nacene Caretaker, who watched over them to repay his debt to their world. The Ocampa's mental abilities slowly worsened as they relied more and more on The Caretaker's gifts, and began to worship him as a kind of diety. The Caretaker feared that, once he was gone, the Ocampa would quickly fall prey to the Kazon.

There was however a small group of Ocampa who left their homeworld under the watch of the female Nacene, Suspiria. These Ocampa were far more skilled with their abilities. Many could manipulate objects on the subatomic level, and even enter a realm of pure thought called the Exosia. They also managed to increase their lifespans from nine years to about twenty using new technology. It really seems like The Caretaker was holding the Ocampa on the homeworld back from reaching their true potential. Hopefully Ocampan society will be able to evolve more without him.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.