Star Trek: 10 Species Who Need To Get With The Times

4. The Kazon

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CBS Media Ventures

The Kazon are unremarkable to the point where the Borg literally refused to assimilate them. The different Kazon sects are deeply divided, and constantly fighting with each other over natural resources—ever heard of post-scarcity?

Their technology was very limited. Before Voyager arrived in the Delta Quadrant, the Kazon had never seen a replicator or transporter.

Kazon society was also highly patriarchal. Kazon women were excluded from most positions of power, and treated as lesser than their male counterparts. Seska was, of course, allowed to hold a position of power as a woman, but only because of her knowledge of Voyager and their advanced technology.

Unfortunately, the Kazon never got the chance to naturally develop into a space-faring society. They were used as slave labour by an alien species called the Trabe, and were only able to escape by stealing their oppressors' ships and technology. Hopefully, given time, they will grow more enlightened and stop terrorising their small corner of the Delta Quadrant.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.