Star Trek: 10 Species Who Need To Get With The Times

3. The Changelings

Antedians Stat Trek TNG Next Generation Worf Wesley
CBS Media Ventures

Long ago, the leaders of the Dominion, the Changelings, were subjugated by a group of solid lifeforms, creating a deep resentment in their culture towards so-called solids. This hateful philosophy was a major factor in the Dominion War, as well as the Dominion's harsh treatment of species in their control.

When the war with the Federation ended, the Dominion retreated back to the Gamma Quadrant, and Odo returned to the Great Link both to cure his people and to convince them to treat solid lifeforms better.

It's unknown to what extent Odo was successful in changing his society's bigoted views, but we do know of an 'anti-peace faction' that broke off from the Great Link to form an alliance with the Borg Queen of all people. This group, led by Vadic, experienced horrific trauma at the hands of the Federation, so their anger was understandable, but their revenge plot of helping Earth be assimilated was ridiculously evil. We can only hope that the broader Great Link has become more kind towards solids.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.