Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Jonathan Archer

4. What A (Future) Guy!

Star Trek Captain Archer
CBS Media Ventures

Whatever the network came to think about Scott Bakula, it's clear that the cast and crew were unanimous in their adoration of the man. He set the tone from the top for a healthy and fun working environment from the get-go, made sure to remember birthdays, introduced himself to every guest cast member, and shook everyone's hand at the end of the day.

The season one DVD extra Oh Captain! My Captain! – A Profile of Scott Bakula is almost radioactive with praise for the actor. Here is to quote but a few:

André Bormanis: "Scott Bakula is the nicest guy in the world. He is just [an] extraordinarily thoughtful, giving person."
John Billingsley: "He's just the nicest man I think I've ever worked with in this business, and I've been in it a long time."
Connor Trinneer: "The way in which he handles himself, it's textbook for getting along in this business and with other actors, and we all know other actors aren’t always the easiest to get along with."

In the show itself, there was a well-known, and distinctly shadier 'Guy' whose identity would have been revealed had Enterprise made it to a fifth season. As Brannon Braga stated on Twitter, "Archer as future guy was always the idea. Trying to repair a corrupt future by influencing his innocent past self." Several other season five ideas have been revealed in the years since cancellation — one of which that made it to the pitching stage was for the crew to meet Flint who then might have also known Captain Archer's dad, Henry Archer.


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.