Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Jonathan Archer

3. Magic Mirror

Star Trek Captain Archer
CBS Media Ventures

As mirror Archer goes on a mad power grab for the Empire aboard the Defiant, his prime universe counterpart (or at least an imagined version of him) becomes a reflection for all his failings. In essence, we got two Archers for the price of one. The clever conceit of future ship, parallel universe also provided an opportunity to give us, the audience, some canonical information we might not have gotten otherwise.

By now, we've all taken a long pause over the personnel files of both Hoshi Sato and Jonathan Archer as they are summoned up in the mirror that is the computer screen in the quarters of the Defiant's former captain. What never made it to air, however, was the second page of biographical information for both characters, penned by In a Mirror, Darkly scriptwriter Michael Sussman.

For Hoshi, that would have meant death at the hands of Kodos the Executioner on Tarsus IV at age 117. However, as Sussman said on Twitter in reply to, "[it] didn't appear on screen, so not really canon. #HoshiStillDeadTho." Also in reply to TrekCore, Sussman posted the extra, unseen page from "Admiral" (retired) Archer's bio, from which we would have learned that he "died peacefully in his home in upstate New York the year 2245, exactly one day after attending the christening ceremony of the first Federation Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701." "I gather he survived in Kelvin Timeline," Sussman added.


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.