Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About B'Elanna Torres

5. Beta BLTs

B'Elanna Torres Star Trek Voyager USS Dauntless Designer
CBS Media Ventures

Since Voyager shot out of the Borg sphere and Tom shot down to sickbay, we've not heard a word from B'Elanna Torres (or baby Miral for that matter) in canon — what we have heard about her will be discussed in a later entry. Roxann Dawson, now a highly successful director whose last role in front of the camera was in 2011, has indicated that, whilst she is fond of the new iterations of Star Trek, she is unlikely to make a return to the franchise as the emblematic engineer.

Of course, that could all be a bluff. Any re-appearance of B'Elanna would be covered by more NDAs than a Section 31 orientation weekend, so Dawson couldn't tell us even if she wanted to. For now, though, we must look to beta canon to find out what B'Elanna got up to after the Delta Quadrant.

B'Elanna — and the Voyager crew more widely — has featured quite prominently in the extended literature. It's Christie Golden's excellent two-part novel series Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming and The Farther Shore, followed up by the Spirit Walk series' Old Wounds and Enemy of My Enemy, that really shine a spotlight on the immediate aftermath of Voyager's return home. In those, B'Elanna returns to Boreth to find her mother, but we won't spoil what happens next. B'Elanna also appears in Star Trek: Online, although actress Lani Minella provided her voice in place of Roxann Dawson.


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.