Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About B'Elanna Torres

4. No Lab Coat For Brigitte

B'Elanna Torres Star Trek Voyager USS Dauntless Designer
CBS Media Ventures

It's fairly common knowledge by now that Roxann Dawson was expecting her first child during the filming of Star Trek: Voyager's season four. Producers chose not to include her pregnancy in the plot, as they had done for Nana Visitor/Major Kira in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Body Parts onwards, preferring instead to equip B'Elanna with an engineering jacket to hide the bump. Torres can be seen wearing the extra item with added accoutrements from Waking Moments to Hope and Fear.

An exception was made during the Hirogen holographic hijinks in the two-parter The Killing Game. Interfaced with the Second World War setting, Torres was naturally a member of the French resistance — a maquisarde — as the character Brigitte, 'pregnant' with the child of a Nazi officer she had been visiting undercover. "Unfortunately, it's a very good projection. […] It even kicks," as B'Elanna says when the game is up.

As revealed in the November 1998 edition of Cinefantastique magazine (Vol. 30, no 9-10), Dawson gave birth to baby Emma Rose on 16 Jan 1998, just after she had filmed for the episode Vis à vis and completed one scene for The Omega Directive (although B'Elanna had been scripted for more). In the end, Dawson only missed two episodes — Unforgettable and Living Witness — and was back well in time for the season finale, as she had hoped.


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.