Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass

8. "Poetic Justice" - Equinox

Right Here Janeway Badass Star Trek Voyager Kate Mulgrew
CBS Media Ventures

Just because an action is morally questionable or out-of-character, doesn't mean it can't still be totally badass.

The events of Equinox sent Janeway on a rollercoaster of emotions. After spending five years as the superior officer to every single person in her Delta Quadrant life, and distancing herself accordingly, she finally found the opportunity to have someone as her equal in Captain Ransom. This made it all the more painful when she discovers that Ransom had completely disregarded his Starfleet principles and murdered innocent creatures for his own gain.

Naturally, Janeway was pissed. She vows to chase down Ransom and punish him for his betrayal of his oath, despite Chakotay's insistence that her priority should be Voyager's safety against the nucleogenic lifeforms.

This personal vendetta pushes her to the extreme and even, temporarily, sways her moral compass which leads to Janeway's crowning moment of badass villainy.

With a captured Crewman Lessing tied to a chair in the cargo bay, Janeway threatens to drop the shields and allow the lifeforms to "pay him a visit". When Lessing states that doing so would be the same as murder, she simply replies:

"You could also call it poetic justice."

It soon becomes clear that she really isn't bluffing and Chakotay is forced to intervene. Even then, Janeway is steadfast in her anger and relieves her first officer of duty for daring to question her motives.

Morally questionable? Yes. Out of character? Somewhat, yes. Totally badass? Absolutely.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️