Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass

7. Challenging The Borg Queen - Dark Frontier

Right Here Janeway Badass Star Trek Voyager Kate Mulgrew
CBS Media Ventures

Anyone who stumbles across the Borg and lives to tell the tale should probably be considered a badass in their own right BUT anyone who intentionally seeks out and provokes the Borg should be crowned 'badass supreme'.

Captain Janeway tempts fate twice in Dark Frontier. Her first move comes in the form of a planned heist of a Borg sphere in order to steal a transwarp coil. Not only does this plan require Voyager to purposely seek out their greatest enemy but it also requires her crew to successfully infiltrate an active Borg vessel without being detected or assimilated. It's extremely ambitious and incredibly ballsy.

Despite some resistance, ironically, they are successful in acquiring the coil. A slight hiccup, however, results in Seven of Nine remaining with the Borg in order to save Voyager from the Borg Queen's threats of assimilation. Janeway will not accept Seven's claims that she wants to re-join the Collective, however, and quickly uncovers the truth.

Then comes Voyager's second intentional pursuit of the Borg. This time there have been no simulations to test their tactics and they know that the Borg will be expecting them. Janeway has the determination of a fearless mother to save Seven from re-assimilation and does not falter when she comes face to face with the Borg Queen.

Not for the first time in Voyager, Janeway channels her inner Ripley and all but says the iconic line - "get away from her you B*TCH!" - as she holds the Borg Queen at phaser rifle point and demands the release of Seven.


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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️