Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass

5. TIME'S UP - Year Of Hell

Right Here Janeway Badass Star Trek Voyager Kate Mulgrew
CBS Media Ventures

Things aren't looking so great for Voyager during Year of Hell. The Krenim are relentless in their attacks and, even as history is altered, thus reducing the empire's destructive capabilities, Voyager is battered beyond repair.

Even during this dire period of constant attack, Captain Janeway (rocking a badass new hairdo to boot) is determined to keep her crew - her family - together for as long as she possibly can. Her refusal to give in and remain on the offensive, regardless of the odds, speaks volumes of her strong will and determination.

Her badassery really shines through in the second installment of the two-part arc. With only a skeleton crew remaining onboard, and both Chakotay and Paris captured by Annorax, Voyager is defenseless and crumbling around them. After refusing appropriate medical attention to her lungs, Janeway's next act involves running into a room engulfed in flames to fix the deflector. While acknowledging the severe burns she will undoubtedly receive, she barely hesitates before plunging into the fire. The Doctor calls it reckless. We call it badass!

Potato, potahto.

By far Janeway's most badass moment in Year of Hell comes at the climax of the story. Despite the certainty of the ship's destruction, Janeway orders her remaining crew to join their allied vessels, while she remains on Voyager to lead the attack on the Krenim weapon ship. She is ready and willing to go down with the ship.

With Voyager in complete ruin, Janeway crawls to her captain's chair, sets a collision course with the enemy ship, and prepares to sacrifice herself for the sake of her "family." Holding steady in her stance she delivers the iconic and badass line:


Crash! Bang! Wallop! And the "Year of Hell" ceases to exist.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️