Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass

4. Playing The Player - Counterpoint

Right Here Janeway Badass Star Trek Voyager Kate Mulgrew
CBS Media Ventures

If the events of Season 5's Counterpoint proved anything, it's that Captain Janeway is a skilled actress as well as a badass captain.

Whilst travelling through Devore space, where telepathy is illegal, Voyager is subjected to random inspections to check that they aren't harbouring any telepathic beings. By the third inspection, the crew are well rehearsed in their concealment of the Brenari refugees and it seems that Captain Janeway has managed to deceive the inspector once more.

Further along their journey, Inspector Kashyk returns to Voyager claiming to have defected from the Devore and wishes to aid in the safe transport of the Brenari out of hostile space. Naturally, Janeway is wary of his motives but as time progresses it seems that the pair begin to develop a very friendly and flirtatious rapport.

Kashyk shares tactical information about the Devore ships in exchange for asylum and even volunteers to return to the warships in order to protect Voyager from being caught. Janeway seems rather disheartened by Kashyk's departure and the pair share a rather passionate farewell kiss.

When the inevitable double crossing of Kashyk is later revealed, Janeway keeps up the pretence of feeling betrayed right up until the Devore walk straight into her carefully placed trap. She sits beside Kashyk on the bridge totally calm, cool and collected and waits for him to slowly realise that he's been played.

The most badass moment has to be when he notices that she "created false readings." She simply turns to him and in a deliciously sarcastic deadpan voice replies:

"That is the theme for this evening isn't it?"

Captain Janeway is many things - brave, bold, badass - but she is certainly not a fool and she most definitely cannot be so easily manipulated by the flirtatious attentions of a known bully.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️