Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass

2. Pushed To The Limit - Scientific Method

Right Here Janeway Badass Star Trek Voyager Kate Mulgrew
CBS Media Ventures

Those alien scientists really shouldn't have been surprised by Janeway's actions in Season 4's Scientific Method.

After days of being subjected to covert scientific experiments, the Voyager crew was beginning to fray. Janeway, in particular, was struggling to keep a cool head under the constant agony of invisible needles forced into her skull.

Once Seven of Nine reveals the presence of the scientists, Janeway finally has the chance to interrogate them and learns that they have been increasing her dopamine levels and stimulating aggressive impulses to observe her restraint and test her limits. She makes it very clear that she is close to reaching those limits.

The death of a crew member pushes Janeway over the edge and she is ready to reassert her control of the situation. Taking the helm, she sets Voyager on a course heading directly into the binary pulsars which have been destroying anything getting too close to their gravitational pull. Despite the warnings from Tuvok on the low odds of the ship not being crushed, Janeway is firm in her stance and makes it clear to the aliens that she is prepared to take those odds and will not back down.

When the alien comments that Janeway isn't behaving very rationally, she turns their own experiment against them and simply reminds them:

"That's what you were trying to accomplish wasn't it?"

Really these aliens shouldn't have underestimated just how badass Captain Janeway can be. Don't poke the bear if you don't want to get bitten.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️