Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass

1. Have Your Cake And Eat It Too - Endgame

Right Here Janeway Badass Star Trek Voyager Kate Mulgrew
CBS Media Ventures

Very few people have managed to beat the Borg but with two Kathryn Janeway's working together, it suddenly became much more achievable.

First and foremost, temporal prime directive issues aside, it doesn't get much more badass than traveling back in time to save those you care about the most. Admiral Janeway's steadfast mission to alter the timeline certainly broke many rules but her stamina and determination dissolved any resistance she faced.

Captain Janeway's sole ambition was to get her crew home, but she was also committed to upholding the principles of Starfleet, and would not place the lives of innocent people above her desire to reach Earth sooner. With this mindset in place, when Voyager was given the opportunity to use the Borg transwarp hub to get home or deliver a crippling blow to the Collective by destroying it, they opted to save the lives of any future victims of the Borg.

With both Janeways working together, however, they were able to devise a plan that would mean they could have their cake and eat it too!

In her biggest badass move ever, Admiral Janeway makes the ultimate sacrifice, managing to trick the Borg Queen into assimilating the fatal virus that would destroy the Collective (for a little while at least). Not only is the act itself totally badass but the calm and confident way in which the Admiral addresses the Borg Queen is just the badass icing on their badass Borg destroying cake.

And just to add a final blow, not only does Voyager make it back to the Alpha Quadrant, but they do so by smashing through the transwarp conduit INSIDE A BORG SPHERE!

Once again, when it comes to the Borg, Kathryn Janeway doesn't do things by halves!

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️