Star Trek: 10 Times Voyager Could Have Got Home
8. Timeless - Voyager Only
So, this is one entry where we're just looking at the ship herself! The events of Timeless see an older Chakotay and Harry Kim discover the frozen, yet very well preserved, remains of the ship and crew on a class-L planet on the border of the Alpha Quadrant. We discover that having cracked the code for slipstream travel in the past, Voyager actually did make it to the Alpha Quadrant, only to spin out of control, attempt an emergency landing, and the entire crew bar Chakotay and Kim lost their lives.
TECHNICALLY Voyager did make it back to the Alpha Quadrant, and the title of this article is 10 Times Voyager Could Have Got Home.
Ok, perhaps the audience might have struggled a little with the idea of bringing the ship back, but without her crew who we had come to know and love. But also, we every new series, we learn to love a new crew. It might be cold, but I bet the poor ship was cold on that planet for so long...