Star Trek: 10 Top Secret Artefacts At Daystrom Station

8. Attack Tribble

Daystrom Station Star Trek Picard Kirk B-4
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

An extreme counterpoint to the usual fluffy, cuddliness of the universe's most underestimated menace, the Attack Tribble likely didn't make just Worf take an abrupt backstep.

Genetically altered into a hairy killing machine, the creature can go on a brutal rampage while also increasing its population at a breakneck pace. Fans can imagine that planetary conquest would be a cakewalk with these as the main weapon. Suffice it to say that the cleanup might take a while given that the average tribble...

No, let's not start that line!

After their rather mixed appearance in The Trouble with Edward seemed to indicate that Starfleet was responsible for their accelerated reproduction, it was only logical to go totally dark with the Klingon Empire's most feared foe. Its shock appearance on Daystrom also brings into question the whole case of genetic manipulation that has been discussed many times over through the Augments of Enterprise, Khan Noonien Singh, the Eugenics Wars, and Brain of Bajor Doctor Julian Bashir.

Maybe the most terrifying thing about this is that for the first time viewers got to see "underneath the hood" of a Tribble. This one might have sharp fang-like teeth but wouldn't the three mouths just cause a shiver down the spine anyway?

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A Star Trek fan from birth, I love to dive into every aspect of the franchise in front and behind the screen. There's something here that's kept me interested for the best part of four decades! Now I'm getting back into writing and using Star Trek as my first line of literary attack. If I'm not here on WhatCulture then you're more than welcome to come and take a look at my blog, Some Kind of Star Trek at or maybe follow me on Twitter as @TheWarpCore. Sometimes I force myself not to talk about Star Trek.