Star Trek: 10 Weirdest Holodeck Episodes
6. Author, Author
A hologram who writes a holonovel in which the protagonist is an exaggerated version (ish) of himself, the hologram, sounds these days less like science fiction and more like ChatGPT is having an early midlife crisis. Author, Author is certainly up there with the stranger episodes of Star Trek full stop, and not least for that moustache!
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What happens on the holodeck rarely stays on the holodeck in Star Trek: Voyager. In this case, it caused an inter-quadrantal incident. The Doctor's Star Trek: Vortex, the B-movie, might well have been about as subtle as a "Ferengi mating dance," his 'write what you know' feeling, at times, more like a transcription, but that was rather the point — to tell an important tale through his own. This was the "there it sits" moment for The Doctor and his fellow EMHs… in a smoking jacket, quill at the ready. Free the photons!
Seeing 'Captain Jenkins' (i.e. Janeway) phaser a crewmember dead in sickbay was wild enough, but then things get even weirder when Lieutenant 'I'm Here for My Physical' Marseille, sorry, Tom Paris makes a few changes to The Doctor's working draft. All aboard the starship Voyeur! The Doctor wasn't declared a person in the episode, but, as an artist, he did get one up on the replicator.