Star Trek: 10 Worlds We Should Probably Check On

8. Wherever Remmick's Homing Signal Was Headed

Q John de Lancie Star Trek TNG Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures

So, this one is most likely a terrible idea. What is it they say, however? The best defence is a good offence? Given the threat posed by those little butt bugs, how in the name of all things unholy has anyone not gone to check up on them (that we know of)? We mention them so often, you're probably going to start thinking we're all a bunch of anal retentives here at TrekCulture.

*pause for laugh*

In reality, we don't know where the bluegill homeworld is, assuming they even have one. It's an already infected Admiral Quinn who states in Conspiracy that they were "discovered accidentally by a survey team on an uncharted planet," so that information is about as reliable as the transporter in an ion storm. Plus, that doesn't mean said planet was the butt bug homeworld either.

At the end of Conspiracy, Data manages to trace the homing beacon mother Remmick sent from Earth to "an unexplored sector of our galaxy." Someone needs to do some fancier triangulations on the signal than that so Starfleet can go prevent an invasion for once!

Perhaps the Klingons could help - after all, they've been itching for a new verse in their opera of war against minute creatures of the galaxy.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.