Star Trek: 10 Worlds We Should Probably Check On

7. The Vidiian Homeworld

Q John de Lancie Star Trek TNG Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures

All it took was an off-hand mention from the crafty Kurros to pique our curiosity. Head of the nefarious Think Tank 'Think Tank,' used to telling lies wrapped in enigmas of pure tactics surrounded by neutronium alloy in a layer of subspace, Kurros was hardly a trustworthy source, but let's give his statement about the Vidiians some… further reflection.

As his conversation with Captain Janeway went:

"Just recently, we found a cure for the Vidiian phage."

"The Vidiians?"

"You would hardly recognise them now."

If this is true (and I don't think we dare imagine what the Think Tank asked for in return), it would have meant a seismic shift for Vidiian society, once known as educators, explorers, and artists before they were stricken with the Phage about the time of Earth's 4th century AD.

Now that, if you've got the benamite or a protostar, popping to and from that part of the Delta Quadrant isn't the same challenge it once was, it might be worthwhile for Starfleet to go check things out. Trusting liar, liar, isomorph on fire might risk everyone ending up with a distinct lack of organs, but even the remotest chance to see the Vidiians in a healthy state is surely too tantalising to ignore. The species — necessity and invention and all that — was also strides ahead in medical technology, which might be useful, and they owe us one for Lieutenant Durst and all of that deadlocked Voyager.

'Shmullus' might get to see his 'friend' again too!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.