Star Trek: 10 Worlds We Should Probably Check On

3. Shore Leave Planet

Q John de Lancie Star Trek TNG Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures

This one could just be for the fun of it, and for a bit of variation from the holodeck or the Rec Room depending on your time period. I mean, what could go wrong a third time, right? In fact, that's exactly why we should go check up on the Shore Leave Planet. It might be no picnic down there once more.

The 'Shore Leave' or 'Amusement Park' planet (as per Spock's description), located in the Omicron Delta region, was built by a highly advanced alien civilisation and offered the chance to 'play' to anyone who visited by conjuring up just about anything they could imagine. A landing party from Kirk's Enterprise found that out the hard way when they first visited. Even though he did apologise, the 'care' in caretaker of the planet seemed to have become a little lacking.

It's the Enterprise's second visit that should give everyone cause for a third. The caretaker (or the 'Keeper') had died, and the planet's artificial intelligence, no longer amused by its own amusement park, wanted off the world by any means necessary (i.e. taking control of the Enterprise and 'turning off' those on the surface) to go find its fellow computers and rule the galaxy. Luckily, the away team managed to convince it to give peace a chance, to learn by having the galaxy come to it for entertainment. Someone should probably go make sure it's keeping its promise.

I'm sticking to Risa. At least the Horga'hn can't kill you, but the jamaharon might!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.