Star Trek: 10 Worlds We Should Probably Check On

2. Iconia

Q John de Lancie Star Trek TNG Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures

In the mid-24th century, the Iconians were considered by some — well, maybe just Wesley Crusher in need of a history lesson — to be a myth. In fact a highly advanced civilisation about 200,000 years ago, the Iconians were now thought to be extinct. The Iconian homeworld was (re-)discovered in 2365 by the USS Yamato, sister ship of the Enterprise-D.

Seeing what happened to the Yamato as a result, nearly repeated on the Enterprise, it might be rather foolish to even suggest a return to Iconia. In theory, nothing was left on the surface of the planet following the ancient orbital bombardment and the destruction of the 'last remaining outpost' by Captain Picard. Things hardly ended well either in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine where the technology of the "Demons of air and darkness" was concerned. Far from being extinct, the Iconians are also a main threat in Star Trek: Online.

Nonetheless, for scientific and historical curiosity alone, isn't it just a teeny bit tempting to go check on Iconia? Who knows what fascinating relics could still be down there! It's equally a little callous to say, but no Romulus also meant no Romulan Neutral Zone after 2387, and that should have made visits to, and archaeological exploration of, Iconia a lot easier.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.