Star Trek: 10 Worlds You MUST Visit

1. Ba'ku (The Briar Patch)

Risa Star Trek pleasure world
Paramount Pictures

If you're used to a faster pace of life but would sell your soul to slow it down, Ba'ku is the place for you. On this peculiar planet planted right in the middle of the Klach D'kel Brakt, time all but stands still. And don't forget — one person's fun is another person's hacky sack!

Once you've successfully navigated the Briar Patch's metreon gas clouds at a maximum speed of one third impulse, you can expect to find a pristine, technologically unspoilt world with swimmable (ish) lakes and hikeable hills. Don't be fooled by the relative simplicity of the Ba'ku's settlements, as they just might surprise you by identifying a phase variance in your positronic matrix. GTN Travel is not aware of any hotels on the planet, but Anij or Sojef will probably put you up.

One teeny tiny selling point we've not mentioned — the metaphasic radiation in the planet's rings is capable of continuously regenerating your DNA. In other words, it can reverse the ageing process. You might want to spend just long enough there to work out those wrinkles, watch the sun set, and let your boobs firm up. Bring spot cream, though, especially if you're a Klingon!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.