Star Trek: 10 Worlds You MUST Visit

7. Bajor

Risa Star Trek pleasure world
CBS Media Ventures

Of all the worlds on this list, Bajor undoubtedly has the richest and most ancient cultural heritage spanning hundreds of thousands of years. Its inhabitants travelled to the stars centuries before anyone on Earth. The planet's natural and architectural beauty is largely unparalleled — a visit to the rolling green hills and valleys of Kendra Province and the gleaming domes and spires of the capital is a must!

In recent times, the Bajoran people suffered the outrage of the brutal Cardassian Occupation that left the planet in ruins with millions killed. The almighty Prime Directive meant that the Federation and Starfleet turned a blind eye! The Bajorans are a tenacious people, however, and emerged committed to rebuild their impressive civilisation.

When Okuda visited Bajor, he indulged his passion for archaeology with a stop at the ruins of the ancient city of B'hala, only rediscovered in 2373. GTN Travel also recommends you plan your trip around the annual Gratitude Festival where you can spread the Peldor joi. You can always visit a monastery to have an Orb experience or a pagh'tem'far if you're feeling lucky. But please steer clear of the Fire Caves, and remember that it's 'Prophet,' not 'wormhole alien'!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.