Star Trek: 10 Worlds You MUST Visit

6. The Federation Four

Risa Star Trek pleasure world
CBS Media Ventures

For his four-founders trip, Okuda took the Earth Vulcan Andoria Tellar (EVA-T) package deal, which included a dramatic recreation of the events leading up to the signing of the Federation Charter, a guided tour of the real NX-01 (refit) in orbit of Athan Prime, and a specially leased starship with original carpets.


Federation founder par excellence, we're all doomed if we no longer have Paris. Okuda had fun on the Phoenix fairground ride, but suggests you avoid the Ketracel White-Hot sauce at Sisko's.


For a planet that spawned the galaxy's greatest logicians, its natural beauty won't fail to stir emotion in anyone who has them. Okuda's stop included a visit to Mount Seleya but thankfully skipped the Forge.


A moon, not a planet, it's a heatwave on Andoria if the temperature goes above freezing, so don't expect to work on your tan. The hardiest amongst you should visit the Northern Wastes, and do say hello to the Aenar if they let you in.


Okuda remembers little about Tellar as his trip was mostly spent in the mud baths. Tellarites like to lead with a complaint, so practise being argumentative and get a good insult in there first.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.