Star Trek: 10 WORST Holodeck Episodes

5. Fair Haven - Voyager

Fair Haven Star Trek Voyager Spirit Folk Holodeck

Fair Haven is a bit of an oddity. While Spirit Folk has an air of well-intentioned nonsense to it, which I say as an Irishman, Fair Haven is a bit murkier. There's not one thing wrong with wanting to create a nice Irish village for the crew to relax in, nor is it wrong to want to reuse that great village set, one that the audience first saw in The Killing Game.

Fair Haven stumbles because of the tired Irish stereotypes that it employs. Added to this, however, is the odd decision to make Janeway - one of the strongest champions of rights in the franchise - someone who deems being a lowly innkeeper beneath her.

Sure, 'delete the wife' became an iconic joke, and served as inspiration for some fairly fun cosplay at conventions, but Janeway completely rewriting Michael's character to better suit her just seemed out of character. We must also bear in mind that Star Trek: Voyager, out of all of the series, was the one that spent time championing holographic rights, via the character of the EMH.

The story concludes with the program having to be rewritten, which makes the entire outing feel a bit pointless.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick