Star Trek: 10 Worst Things William T. Riker Has Ever Done

1. Running Away From Deanna And Kestra

Star Trek Riker Brig
CBS Media Ventures

This is an entry that is a little sadder to consider, especially when one sees Riker and Troi as a whole. Their relationship had been established in Encounter At Farpoint, even if it would take years to truly solidify. While aboard the Shrike, he does also wonder if his reunion with Deanna might result in Kestra losing the rest of her family, and it is to this that we turn.

In the time that followed their son Thad's death, Deanna numbed Will's grieving process with help from her Betazoid abilities. This, unbeknownest to her, sparked bitterness in him that began to grow. It was very much present when Picard and Soji dropped by, but remained unsaid. It wasn't until Picard called for help that it truly became apparent.

As Deanna puts it succinctly - Will ran away from his family at the first call from Picard. He doesn't deny it either. Though this does earn an entry on this list, there is also a positive outcome. The trials and near-death experiences that Riker endures aboard the Titan-A help to reawaken his passion for his family. Knowing that he could lose them at any moment forces him to consider how that would feel, his resentment toward Deanna's actions aside. 

It is, perhaps, a classic failing of a family man. It is often easier to run from one's problems than to deal with them head-on. But, by the season's end, both Riker and Troi seem in a far stronger position - even if it does sort of undermine including his actions here as this entry! 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick