Star Trek: 11-ish Times Voyager Lost A Shuttle

9. Class 2/Type 9, The Cochrane — Day Of Honor

Voyager Shuttle Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

Oh, if these tritanium alloy hulls could talk… Voyager's Shuttle 4, the Cochrane, would have one of the strangest stories to tell of any craft in all of Starfleet. Not to get all down and dirty with the conspiracy truthers, but perhaps that's the real reason it was destroyed. Tom Paris and Captain Janeway certainly can't have been sad to see it go!

Whatever the salamander shenanigans during its first appearance in Threshold, the Cochrane will always be the shuttle that broke the Warp 10 barrier. At face value, that's quite the achievement, especially when you consider that a Class 2 couldn't normally go beyond Warp 4! Yet, despite this illustrious-ish debut, the Cochrane wasn't spared a dishonourable discharge. In Day of Honor, it simply exploded due to an antimatter pulse from the Caatati.

The Cochrane was the only Voyager Class 2 to be given a name, although Jupiter Station had the Dawkins. We might have seen just two Class 2s in Fury, but by now Voyager had lost three of them, would later give two away, and would lose at least two more over the years after Day of Honor.

Is your head hurting yet? Ours are!


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.