Star Trek: 11-ish Times Voyager Lost A Shuttle

10. Class 2/Type 9, Name Unknown — The Gift

Voyager Shuttle Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

As a going away present in The Gift, Kes got a Class 2, and Voyager got 9.5 thousand light years. The loss of one shuttlecraft is pretty fair in exchange for 10 years closer to home.

However, when Kes returned in Fury, she didn't bring the Class 2 back with her, that is assuming the shuttle survived the Ocampan transcendence. The interior of Kes' new ship was that originally used for Captain Braxton's timeship Aeon, and then as Kovin's ship in Retrospect. The ship's exterior was a modified version of the CGI model first used for Tau's thieving fighters in Concerning Flight.

Chronologically speaking, Fury also marked the first ever appearance of the Class 2 — two of them, in fact, side by side. In the episode, Kes travels back to a point in time that precedes the Class 2's first on screen appearance in Threshold. And to think, we already had a headache without the time travel!


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.