8. Teri Hatcher

I have to admit, I didn't immediately think of Teri Hatcher when I started developing this list. It might have something to do with the fact that I don't think I've seen more than three episodes of either Lois and Clark or Desperate Housewives, so admittedly I have missed out on the bulk of her work. But I just happened to be watching a celebrity episode of Chopped last night, and she was on it, and she was adorable. As soon as I saw her, I immediately thought, "Shouldn't she be a lot older than that? She looks amazing!" So I thought it was only fair to add her. But seriously, she is a beautiful woman. And not even beautiful in a Hollywood way, with tons of plastic surgery or anything like that, she just looks like she's aged incredibly gracefully and naturally. She doesn't look like she's trying to be younger than she is, she just looks perfect for a woman in her 40s. I think it's incredibly sexy when women of any age are totally comfortable in their own skin, but especially once you get to the age where your agent starts sending you scripts for grandmother roles. Of course, it certainly helps that she's exceptionally pretty. But I guess what I'm saying is that I appreciate both the looks and the fact that she doesn't even seem to know or care how hot she is.