10 Doctor Who Mistakes Confirmed By The Creators
3. The Sitcom Snog

Series 5 is rightly heralded as one of Steven Moffat’s best, but there’s one scene that sticks out like a sore thumb: the end of Flesh and Stone, when Amy kisses the Doctor.
It’s not the first time the companion has kissed the Doctor, but in most other cases, the circumstances were different. There was a plot reason (as was the case for Martha and Donna), or an implied romance with the Doctor to begin with (Rose and Astrid).
Flesh and Stone gives us something different: a companion forcing herself onto the Doctor. In her bedroom. On the night before her wedding to another man.
It wasn’t exactly a great scene to begin with, but it’s aged terribly. And even Moffat agrees, citing it (on more than one occasion) as his single biggest misstep.
“I played it for sitcom-style laughs,” he admitted to Doctor Who Magazine. “And it doesn’t work. Brilliant episode up till that point… and then I screw it up with sniggering sex comedy.”
“[It] rankles me to this day,” he said in another interview, “because it’s just wrong”.
One to fix in the novelisation, if he ever does one.