10 Doctor Who Spinoffs Fans Want In The Whoniverse

3. The River Song Diaries

Doctor Who Paul McGann Eighth Doctor
BBC Studios

There's surely no character more ripe for a spinoff than River Song.

Alex Kingston’s time-traveling archaeologist quickly became a fan-favourite following her debut, and further appearances across the Moffat era cemented her as a force to be reckoned with. And yet, the show has barely scratched the surface of her Doctor-less adventures.

We’ve had glimpses of what solo River stories might look like, but there’s much more to explore. And given that her diary is already full of spoiler-filled escapades, a River Song spinoff would basically write itself – Big Finish has already explored such a concept in its Diary of River Song series.

For a River-led TV show, we'd like to see River take front-and-centre without sharing the spotlight with any of the Doctors. There would, inevitably, be the odd reference to her husband/wife, but ultimately this would be about River, visiting new worlds and battling new enemies. She could even have her own team of companions!

Intriguingly, The Diary of River Song did recently come to an end. Does this mean River’s adventures are finally about to make the move from expanded universe to television? Watch this space, sweeties.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and writer of GO FIGURE, the unofficial guide to Character Options' 5.5" Doctor Who action figures!