10 Actors Who Turned Down The Decade's Biggest TV Shows

3. Thomas Jane - Don Draper (Mad Men)

On a 2011 podcast interview, Mad Men's Don Draper himself, Jon Hamm, admitted that he was far from the first choice for the part of the super-suave advertising executive (€œI started, literally, on the very, very bottom...I couldn't have had less heat on me....The casting directors didn€™t know who I was. I wasn€™t on anybody€™s lists€"). Rather, AMC were lobbying for Thomas Jane, but were told that at the time he " not do television", and so the role opened up to Hamm, who made his career on the part and became an overnight sex symbol. Would It Have Worked? Though Hamm has made the role so categorically his own, Jane is a rather handsome man in his own right, and with a nice clean shave, a slick hairdo and a tight-fitting suit, it's easy to imagine him sucking down scotch and smoking his insides raisin dry. He may not have ended up playing the Don Draper we know and love in this universe, but in addition to his looks, Jane is also a talented performer in his own right and would've no doubt brought something very interesting to the table.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.