10 Actors Who Begged For Their TV Characters To Die

4. Sophie Turner - Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones Sansa Queen in the North

Why She Wanted To Die

Back in a 2016 interview, Sophie Turner insisted that she wanted her Game of Thrones character Sansa Stark to be given one of the show's legendarily gnarly death scenes.

She said, "I don’t want to survive and I want Littlefinger to end up on the throne...I think if you’re on Game of Thrones and you don’t have a cool death scene then what’s the point? I think it’d be really disappointing if I got to the end, and I was just okay."

Unlike most of the actors on this list, Turner's motivation to die wasn't born out of a desire to move on from the show, but to receive a fate she felt was best befitting her character.

How It Happened

If you've seen Thrones' final season, you'll know that this didn't actually happen.

Much to Turner's presumed disappointment, Sansa stuck it out all the way to the end, avoiding a grim fate and returning home to Winterfell where she was crowned Queen in the North.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.