10 Actors Who Demanded To Be Killed Off Popular TV Shows

7. Aiden Turner - Being Human

Usually, it's never a good sign when an role gets recast on a TV show. However, in the case of British supernatural drama Being Human, it might have been one of the best things to ever happen to it.

Aiden Turner took over the role of vampire John Mitchell on the show after the pilot episode. Spare a thought for Guy Flanagan, the original Mitchell actor who got bumped off the show because another actor quit.

Poor lad.

Anyway, Turner really made the most of this chance, helping the show become extremely popular. His stock as an actor immediately went on the rise, which is ultimately what killed off his character on Being Human.

Turner got the role as Kili in the Hobbit series of films and announced he was leaving the show. He wanted Mitchell to be killed off, thinking it would bring his arc to a satisfying end.

And so, that's exactly what happened. After going a massacre, Mitchell asks his friend George (a werewolf) to kill him out of mercy. George obliges, like any decent friend would.

Damn, between this and The Hobbit, Aiden Turner's character don't have the best of luck, do they?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.