10 Actors Who Demanded To Be Killed Off Popular TV Shows

5. Frank Dillane - Fear The Walking Dead

Fear the Walking Dead first aired in 2015 and served as a prequel to AMC's monster zombie hit. The narrative began during the early days of the apocalypse, but it has since caught up to its older sibling with several stories running parallel.

It also features main show star Morgan, which is great because Lennie James is never a bad thing.

Another character on the show is Nick Clark, as played by Frank Dillane. Well, that should actually be "was Nick Clark", because he got himself shot in the show's fourth season.

What did he go and do that for?

According to showrunner Andrew Chambliss, it was because Dillane wanted to pursue other opportunities - "One of the first things we were tasked with when we came on to run season four was to really find a story that would give Nick a fitting sendoff."

To be fair, they definitely achieved this, as Nick's death was a really surprising moment on the show.

As for Dillane, he got to star in a series alongside Claire Danes and Tom Hiddleston, so it was a win for everyone.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.