10 Actors Who Now Hate Their Own TV Shows

4. John Rhys-Davies - Sliders

Westworld Ed Harris

Sci-fi fantasy series Sliders ended up running for five seasons from 1995 to 2000, though main cast member John Rhys-Davies - who played Professor Maximillian Arturo - left after the third season amid disputes about the quality of the show's writing. Davies famously called the scripts "incomprehensible gibberish," and added:

"It's hard to rewrite on the hoof when you've got a network that wants you to say the words in the script...I would go to [the writers] and complain. But they would say, 'John, why don't you just say the words as written?' and I'd say, 'I'll tell you what, I will actually say the words as written when you can actually write intelligent sentences!'"

Despite praising the show's concept and cast, he called it "the single biggest missed opportunity" of his life, and expressed regret that Sliders achieve its full potential as, in his words, "the best show on television."

Reports differ on whether Davies was actually fired or quit, but he's since held back nothing in disparaging the show's sub-par creative. However, more recently he did consider himself open to a revival, albeit for one very specific reason:

"I would do it again, if just to show how it should be done...I think maybe if we got another chance at doing it with the new technology, but also new stories, I think we could do something quite extraordinary. I wouldn’t want to do it for the rest of my life, but I would do it for a season or two if it was right."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.