10 Amazing Star Wars Scenes That Came Totally Out Of Nowhere

4. Caleb/Kanan's Order 66 Appearance - The Bad Batch

Mandalorian Shot

Dave Filoni's return to the animated sphere that was The Bad Batch always promised a few satisfying returns along the way, with the likes of Saw Gerrera and Fennec Shand being spotted in the first season's trailers. However, the show's first episode actually got things underway with a far more surprising cameo shocker out of the gates.

The action picks up right in those dying days of the Clone Wars as Master Depa Billaba and her padawan Caleb Dume are assisted by the titular defective clones on the battlefield.

And that aforementioned surprise padawan appearance in particular left many a smile stretching across the faces of just about every Rebels fan on the planet, with Dume eventually going on to become a major player as Kanan Jarrus in that other Star Wars animated hit.

But in next to not time at all, said grin soon crumbled into a concerned stare as the reality of the situation fans had once heard described in Rebels by The Grand Inquisitor soon shockingly played out before their very eyes.

With Order 66 inevitably being issued by The Emperor, Dume is ultimately left unable to aid his outgunned master as she pleads with him to "run!"

It's gloriously heartbreaking and even more so after finally seeing the eventual Kanan's relationship with Billaba realised on the small-screen, only to have it be brutally torn in two on the back of the clones being good soldiers and following orders.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...