10 Amazing TV Shows You Won't Believe Only Had Two Seasons
A collection of the best two-hitters from the world of television.

Television shows must always come to an end. Some are lucky and get to live out their intended run of episodes, much to the delight of the fans and the network. Often this means a five, six or seven-season length, but sometimes it means only a two season run, while other shows are given the boot and cancelled, often in their prime or before they were even give a fair chance to fly.
Often with these cancelled shows it is the one-season wonders that get all the attention. The Fireflys and the Freaks & Geeks do deserve recognition because they're great, but ultimately perhaps its worth noting that its easier to maintain quality in a show that only lasts one season.
Despite how much attention they might deserve, though, we must not forget about those equally rare gems that are the two-season stunners shows that must have held an audience for at least one season only to fall disappointingly short in their sophomore year. There are many such shows and they ought to be recognised for the awesome television creations that they are.
Whether its a short-but-sweet intended 2 season run, or a show that was to stretch for more but never quite got the chance to, here are 10 amazing TV shows that only had 2 seasons.