10 Awesome Authors Every Game of Thrones Fan Needs to Read

5. Raymond E Feistfre Feist has been around for a long time, and writes on more traditional ground. We have elves, dwarves, magicians, dragons and warriors, kings and queens and interdimensional portals between realms. Well, ok, mostly traditional. The first book of the Riftwar Saga is simply titled "Magician" and was released back in 1982. Since then it€™s sold over one million copies in the UK alone, and featured in the "Nation's Favourite 100 Books" with good reason. The tale of two childhood friends caught up in events of war who grow up to be the most powerful warrior and magician alive is a fascinating one, and the worlds in which they walk are extremely well crafted. "Magician" is the first of a trilogy and is succeeded by another 25 or so books, the last of which is published in 2013. So plenty to be going on with there then. The years roll by, and different heroes take up the mantle as you see old favourites grow old, have grandchildren, and the lucky ones die of old age. This is a really interesting way to keep the story fresh, though it does hit the same note every now and then, especially when you get to the Demonwar Saga, but even if you only read the first dozen or so, this is still an extremely rewarding experience.


Richard has been playing video games since the days of the BBC Micro, (and incidentally when is Chuckie Egg going to get a reboot?) He is currently available for the post of Head of Marketing at Nintendo, seeing as no-one else seems to be doing the job. He's also a major fan of fantasy/sf books and is just waiting for his novel about an assassin who doesn't wear a hood to get picked up.