10 Awesome Easter Eggs Hidden In TV Opening Titles
5. The "Price" Of Maggie - The Simpsons

The Simpsons boasts one of the most iconic TV intros ever, and as such also plays host to one of the greatest Easter eggs in TV history.
When the opening sequence shows Maggie Simpson being accidentally scanned at the supermarket, the cash register reads her "price" as $847.63. This might seem totally random, except the number was in fact the average monthly cost of raising a child in America in 1989.
Curiously, this figure was changed for the show's 20th season when The Simpsons finally took the leap into the HD era. From this point, Marge's shopping is initially scanned at $243.26, before the inclusion of Maggie doubles it to $486.52. Presumably, the joke is that having a child doubles your outgoings.
Given that seeing the current monthly cost of raising a child would probably be enough to give most of us a giant migraine, it's probably for the best that Matt Groening and co. didn't actually give the titles a factual update.