10 Awesome Pitches To Extend TV Shows (That Sadly Never Happened)

2. The Zapp & Kif Show

Zapp Kiff Futurama

When Futurama finished up its run in 2013, co-creator David X. Cohen took part in a Reddit AMA where he was asked which characters he'd most want to make a spin-off show for.

Cohen replied that a Star Trek-esque adventure starring Zapp Branigan and Kif was constantly considered, to the point that a backdoor pilot of sorts was almost made on several occasions.

As for why they never even got the one-off episode made? Cohen said, "We were nervous that people would get confused and angry, and throw things at the TV."

This one really stings because it's such a brilliant and organic idea, allowing the Futurama universe to exist without Fry, Leela and co, while training the focus on two beloved supporting characters and poking fun at a classic sci-fi series at the same time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.