10 Awesome TV Characters Who Never Deserved Their Terrible Deaths

2. Game Of Thrones - Ned Stark

nedstark Damn you, George R.R. Martin. Yes, the book readers knew it had been coming, but curse you for killing off our beloved Ned Stark! He was one of the few characters who was almost 100% decent and not playing the political shakedown game that has become the activity of choice in Westeros. For those who need a refresher, Stark came to King's Landing to serve as the new King's Hand and investigate the death of his predecessor. Through his findings, he discovers that King Robert's children aren't his own, but rather the incestuous products of Queen Cersei and her brother Jamie. The man of character that he is, Ned writes to Robert's brother Stannis telling him about the illegitimacy and how he is the true heir to the throne. Needless to say this doesn't sit well with Cersei, and after Robert dies of a boar wound, she has Ned imprisoned. Here's the kicker, though: even after Ned agrees to take the black and recant his claims (for the safety of his children), newly crowned Joffrey goes back on the agreement and has Ned beheaded in King's Landing, once again condemning Sean Bean to playing another killed-off character. I'll be honest, this entry more personal than practical. I know, if Ned Stark hadn't been killed, the War of the Five Kings would have never been started, and there would be no plot for the series. He did need to die, no question, but that doesn't mean that I like that he had to die. C'mon, the man was beheaded in front of everybody including his own daughters. You'd think they'd give the man some respect, but then again, this was the moment we realized that none of our favorite characters will be safe playing the game of thrones.
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Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: http://www.unleashthefanboy.com/author/adam-holmes