10 Awesome TV Characters Who Only Appear In One Episode

2. Vincent Van Gogh - Doctor Who

The Simpsons Hark Scorpio

"Vincent and the Doctor" is one of the most iconic episodes of the NuWho era, thanks in large part to its excellent guest stars and moving finale. The episode follows The Doctor (Matt Smith) as he ventures back in time to meet Vincent Van Gogh (Tony Curran). 

Inspired by the fact Van Gogh never knew he would became the world's most famous popular painter, the episode centres entirely on the artist's emotional journey from wounded outcast haunted by an invisible monster, to an icon given the opportunity to see what his work would mean to the world in the years following his death. 

The final scene in the Musée d'Orsay museum, powerfully performed by Curran and Bill Nighy, is so poignant it's sure to move any viewer to tears, celebrating Van Gogh beautifully. It's so beautiful, in fact, that I'm just going to accept the entire sequence as historical fact and move on. 

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.