10 Awkward Things That Must Have Happened After Star Trek Episodes

8. The Problem With The Doctor's Daydreams

star trek voyager captain kathryn janeway and mark johnson

In the Voyager episode Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy, Seven and B'Elanna discovered a part of The Doctor's 'program' that probably made life aboard the ship much more awkward.

In the episode, The Doctor added a subroutine to his program that allowed him to daydream. Unfortunately, a Hierarchy vessel tapped into his daydreams, causing them to become unpredictable and uncontrollable.

In an effort to repair him, Torres routed his daydreams through the holodeck projectors, allowing herself, Janeway, Seven, and Kim to observe them for themselves. They got to see The Doctor playing out his fantasy of taking command of Voyager and saving the ship, but also some more personal desires of his. His other daydreams were of painting a nude and erotically-posed Seven of Nine and breaking up with B'Elanna, who cried that Tom Paris wasn't half the man The Doctor was.

Seven of Nine seemed fairly unphased by The Doctor's fantasies (she even gave him a small kiss at the end of the episode, explaining that it was purely platonic), but it's likely that things were pretty awkward between him and B'Elanna after she learned his feelings for her, and his jealousy for Paris. She may have even told Tom, which would really make for a weird dynamic whenever he assisted in sickbay. It also must have been a bit uncomfortable for B'Elanna to know that her physician had romantic feelings for her.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.