10 Awkward Things That Must Have Happened After Star Trek Episodes

6. The Hide And Q Report

star trek voyager captain kathryn janeway and mark johnson

After Hide And Q, it's doubtful that Starfleet Command would have approved of Riker giving up his Q powers so quickly.

He could have done a lot of good for the Federation with those abilities. He could've cured any disease, invented new technology to defend the Federation, or practically anything else. Instead, he briefly played around with giving his friends their greatest desires, and then gave up his powers when he realised they didn't actually want his help.

Picard and Riker would've had to explain to Command that they gave up this huge opportunity simply because they thought that it was too much power for a Human and because Riker didn't want to risk changing his identity. Not to mention that they probably also had to explain the situation to the family of that little girl Riker refused to save. Most likely, they left out the part where Riker decided his humanity was more important than this child's life.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.