10 Awkward Things That Must Have Happened After Star Trek Episodes

4. Spock Getting Teased

star trek voyager captain kathryn janeway and mark johnson

Spock's friends on the Enterprise responded pretty maturely when they learned about Spock's pon farr in the TOS episode Amok Time. They wouldn't mock him for something out of his control, no matter how strange the Vulcan mating rituals may seem to Humans.

However, at the end of the episode, when Spock realised that he didn't actually kill Captain Kirk, he let his emotions show for a moment, shouting 'Jim!' and smiling from pointed ear to pointed ear.

He tried to play it off, but Kirk, McCoy, and Nurse Chapel all saw what happened. Spock revealed in this moment that he cared deeply for his friend, Kirk, something that he rarely made clear with his words. It's not hard to imagine the three witnesses teasing Spock about his secret feelings. Nurse Chapel especially seems like she would love bringing up this moment to poke fun at him.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.