10 Background Star Trek Actors More Important Than You Think

8. Uncredited Male Actor As Officer In A Skirt-Uniform

Star Trek First Contact

Star Trek: The Original Series was a groundbreaking show for promoting gender-equality in many ways, though one thing it has been criticized for is the revealing uniforms of female officers. The overwhelming majority of female officers wore a miniskirt that was practically as short as it could be, while the male officers wore pants and a shirt.

Star Trek dealt with this problem beautifully. Rather than apologize for the short skirts, the writers of The Next Generation decided to include both women and men in skirt-uniforms, showing once and for all that which uniform you chose to wear was all a matter of personal preference and most men simply chose not to wear the skirt. It's great to know that Starfleet's skirts were simply a fashion trend for female officers rather than a sexist obligation.

Male background actors appear in skirt-uniforms several times in the early episodes of The Next Generation before the uniforms update and phase out the skirts entirely, though, sadly none of the men in the main cast ever sport one. This is unfortunate because if any man in Starfleet can rock a skirt, it's Riker.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.