10 Most Badass TV Bad Guys Of The 2000s

1. Gyp Rosetti €“ Boardwalk Empire

Jjjj Gyp Rosetti only survived one series of Boardwalk Empire, but his mark on TV was felt with some force. A big, powerful man he used his size to intimidate people and had a notoriously short temper. Hell bent on making Nucky Thompson pay for his lack of respect, Gyp makes taking Nucky€™s empire his main goal. However, it isn€™t the big reactions or major events that makes Gyp Rosetti a fearsome bad guy. It is the little things! No bad guy on TV has ever gone so far over so little! Gyp€™s temperamental behavior sees him fly off the handle at the smallest thing. Rossetti once set fire to Sheriff Sickles for merely wishing him luck, because he detected a hint of sarcasm. He also beat a man to death who stopped to help him change a flat tyre, because he thought he insulted his intelligence with a harmless quip. Gyp beat a man to death with a shovel, was the result of several people dying when he blew up a nightclub and was the reason behind various other deaths.

D.J. Haza hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.