10 Banned TV Shows That Shocked The World

8. Kenya Hated Its "Secret Queer-Baiting" - Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold Sausage

Despite being over two decades old, Nickelodeon's classic animated show Hey Arnold! was banned last year by the Kenya Film Classification Board in a sweeping crackdown on TV series that support "the deviant LGBT agenda."

Along with the likes of The Legend of Korra and Adventure Time, Hey Arnold! was said to "glorify homosexual behaviour" and was "deliberately designed to corrupt [children's] moral judgement regarding the institution of family."

Uh, what?

In specific reference to this show, the ruling argued that Arnold's grandpa Phil "has a d*ck for a head" - referring to his testicles-looking chin and "shaft" that seems to run up the side of his head - and also singled out a scene in which a sign reads "Try my sausage" while pointing to Phil, accusing it of further promoting the gay agenda.

There's not really much point trying to figure out the logic of this one: it's just plain, old-fashioned homophobia.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.