10 Beloved TV Characters Who Deserved Better

These well-loved characters didn't deserve to die, and frankly deserved a better life too!

Ji-Yeong Death Squid Game

There’s nothing that quite matches the feeling of watching one of your most beloved characters wilt away before your eyes. No matter how loveable, sweet or well-meaning a character is, it won’t save them from suffering a horrible or unnecessary death.

These showrunners sure know how to break a heart, because half the time you know that you’re being made to form an attachment to these people only so that, at some point in the future, their death can hurt more.

Sometimes when watching a series you find yourself in the position of your favourite character not being the main one, which puts you in the precarious position of knowing they could be up for the chopping block at any point.

More danger gets added if the character falls into any of the definitely-going-to-die archetypes: a strong woman in a horror series, a selfless or naive person in the apocalypse, someone who always emphasises how much they want to be around for their family in the future in, well, literally anything ever.

You’ve got to be one tough cookie to survive, these days! And god knows even then that’s not always enough.

10. Bill - Killing Eve

Ji-Yeong Death Squid Game

In just a couple of episodes, Killing Eve’s audience made a great connection with Bill - a loveable family man and the equaliser to Eve’s chaos. He was more than just a colleague to Eve, their rapport showed that they were incredibly close and he may well have been the best friend she had. So when he was unceremoniously murdered in the series’ third episode, it hurt.

In what remains one of the series’ most tense and heart wrenching scenes, Bill is stalked and stabbed to death in a packed nightclub. Before Eve can reach him, the psychopathic Villanelle repeatedly knifes him, leaving him bleeding out on the floor amongst the crowds.

It was impossible to not be rooting for Bill: he had a new baby on the way, a fantastic sense of humour and an equally strong moral compass. If it weren’t for Eve he wouldn’t even have been on the mission that got him killed, but he would’ve done anything for her. Bill deserved better not only because he was a good guy, but also (selfishly) because we wanted to see more of him and Eve’s relationship play out in the series.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.