10 Best "B" Plots In The Simpsons

6. The Ribwich – I’m Spelling As Fast As I Can

Mr Burns

The newest B-Plot on this list by far, Season 14's "I'm Spelling As Fast As I Can" proves that there are some decent episodes of The Simpsons outside of its Golden Age.

In this episode, Homer becomes obsessed with the "Ribwich", a new sandwich from Krusty Burger. When he first eats the burger, Homer experiences something similar to a drugs trip, which makes for an absolutely brilliant scene.

Upon learning that the sandwich is a limited offer, Homer starts to follow the sandwich from town to town. This is a parody of the "McRib" sandwich that McDonald's sporadically add to their menu and yes, some people do genuinely follow it around America during its release.

Homer's devotion to the sandwich leads to the final act of the episode, when he realises that he's missing Lisa's appearance in the Spell-ympics, a national spelling competition. After trading the last Ribwich ever made - the animal it was made from went extinct - for a car, Homer drives from San Francisco to Calgary to be with Lisa during her big moment.

This is an incredibly selfless act from Homer, but come on. Driving from Califrornia to Canada? There's no way Homer would have made it in time.

Just sayin'.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.